Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get Over Yourself

So now with the new security measures like pat downs etc, a lot of people are up in arms about civil rights and how they shouldn't be subjected to "invasive" searches.

Shut Up. Please.

If you refuse to let them search your bags, you're hiding something. Because, why wouldn't you let them? If you have nothing to hide, what's wrong with a complete stranger who you'll never see again, glance upon your neatly (or not) folded jeans, shirts, socks, and unmentionables? If you refuse to comply with a random breath test or random drug test while driving? You're probably high or drunk. Because, why would you not comply?

Simply put, if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?

In the age where tension is high in terms of terrorism and national security is a top priority, people have to lighten up when it comes to airport security. As a frequent traveler, I'm so used to packing my bathroom stuff in a zip-loc bag and taking my shoes and belt off before going through metal detectors that it's just like second nature now. The first time my luggage was search, I was 13 years old and in LAX for the first time. I was a kid. What could I be hiding? Was I supposed to be scared of the army guy with the AK standing a few feet away from me?
No. I felt safe.
At the age of 22, I'm just plain old used to being search, drug tapped, and my luggage being search. Whatever. I'm so used to it now that I allow time in between connecting flights in case something should happen. I don't book one-way tickets, and I book flights a month in advance.
Here's why:

- Book a ticket the same day as you fly out?
- suspicious
- Book a one way ticket?
- suspicious
- Coughing and spluttering with obvious signs of sickness?
- suspicious
- Sweating a lot?
- suspicious

And the list goes on.

And sure, it sucks being sick and having to travel, and it sucks more when they stop you and ask you a bunch of questions. Inconvenient to the maximum level. But, I'd rather they stop a person and search them in case yknow, they're a carrier of a new air born disease like "Deadly Body Sickness" or "H1N1" or whatever the kids are talking about these days.

Now hear this. Let's say you have someone you love die in a plane terrorist bombing thing. And the terrorist was let on the plane because these security measures weren't taken.
Who's on the band wagon now?

The fact of the matter is, body scans? I say scan away! I don't care. The person looking at my semi or totally naked bones is no where close to me, or at least, I can't see them. And if I can. Who cares? Search me. I have nothing to hide. I'm not carrying anything. I'm not doing anything I shouldn't be.
Do I agree with guilty until proven innocent? No. Because that's not fair. Conversely, this is national security we're talking about. This isn't, "Did you murder that man?" We can't prove anyone is guilty until we look at the evidence. But if you ask a person if you can search their bags in the airport and they say no, "well, what are you hiding?" If shows like Border Security and Airport and Airline have taught us anything, it's that if a passenger refuses - they're suspicious.

Simply put, I think the Conservatives need to chill out, have a drink, and let the security guards do their job. It's for there safety and if they want to have a spaz about being patted down, then they need to take the bus and go back to pres school where little boys and girls don't like to be touched for fee of the cooties.

Seriously, grow up.

1 comment:

  1. For a 22 year old you speak with a lot of commonsense.
    Commonsense says that you take precautions to protect yourself, your family and your property. The trouble is commonsense is not common.
    We live in a dangerous world and as you say Erin, if you have nothing to hide then why would you not comply with safety measure designed to protect everybody. To anyone who will not allow a search before getting on a plane that will be at 30,000ft full of innocent men, women and children then may I say...walk!!!
